Growing as one of
the world’s top mega-sized shipbuilding equipment makers
Since its establishment in 1999, Sejin Heavy Industries has been playing a key role in heightening Korea’s competitiveness in the shipbuilding industry. Guided by the company’s core values—excellent customer satisfaction, dependable work safety, overall employee satisfaction, and contribution to environmental and local community development—we are working hard to achieve our goal of becoming the world’s leading manufacturer of ultra-size shipbuilding equipment.
- History
- History of Premises

First delivery of living quarters (Jan. 2016)
- 2013 ~ present
- Global Expansion
- Oct. 2023Acquired AIP (Approval In principle) for the basic design of multi-purpose LNG Cold Energy Utilization Fuel Supply System
- Jul. 2023Developed core technology for Deck House Spray Insulation System
- Jun. 2023Developed and pilot-tested Deck House Spray Insulation System
- Mar. 2023Signed mutual cooperation agreement with Hyundai Heavy Industries to apply Smart Production Technology
- Nov. 2022Received order for LNG Fuel Tank and FGSS for eco-friendly Ocean Clean-up Vessel
- Sep. 2022Selected for national project to design, manufacture, and develope materials & equipment application technology for mock-up version of Liquid Hydrogen Cargo Hold
- Aug. 2022Consortium with Kumyang Green Power Co. Ltd for Floating Offshore Substation fabrication
- Mar. 2022MOU with Ulsan City, Ulsan Port Authority, and Vestas for mutual support of Floating Offshore Wind in South Korea
- Dec. 2021Delivery of HMD Nickel 9% 18K LNG Cargo Tank
- Dec. 2021Delivery of HHI Nickel 9% 12K LNG FUEL Tank
- Dec. 2020Agreement signing of Floating Offshore Wind business
- Sep. 2020First Delivery of GS Caltax PAR Module
- Dec. 2020Order received for HMD Nickel 9% 18K LNG Cargo Tank
- Sep. 2020Order received for HHI Nickel 9% 12K LNG FUEL Tank
- Dec. 2019Order received for HMD Nickel 9% LNG Cargo Tank
- Sep. 2019Order received for GS Caltax PAR Module
- Aug. 2018First delivery of HMD LPG Nickel 5% LEG Cargo Tank
- Jun. 2018Delivery of HMD WEIDONG CAR FERRY Deck House
- Feb. 2018Delivery of 1st Deck House to E.A.S Yard (Brazil)
- Jul. 2017Order received for an Deck House from E.A.S in the Brazil
- Jun. 2017ISO 14001 certification
- May. 2017Order received for HMD Nickel 5% LEG Cargo Tank
- Mar. 2017Order received for HMD WEIDONG CAR FERRY Deck House
- Aug. 2016First delivery of Hanjin LPG Tank
- Sep. 2016Received an order for an ammonia tank from Vigor in the U.S
- Jan. 2016First delivery of living quarters for the HHI HESS Bergading CPP Project
- Dec. 2014Order received for living quarters for the HHI HESS Bergading CPP Project
- Sep. 2014Order received for a burner boom from HHI for the HHI Diamond offshore semi-submersible drilling rig
- Jun. 2014Awarded an appreciation plaque for excellent product quality from Kuwait Oil Tanker Company (KOTC)
- Order received for HHI Diamond Offshore Semi-submergible Drilling Rig, Living Quarter
- First delivery of STX Bilobe LPG Tank

First anniversary of Sejin Vietnam (Feb. 2012)
- Dec. 2013Order received for living quarters for the HHI HESS Bergading CPP Project
- Oct. 2013Carried out a systematic on-site drill project that was organized by the Human Resources Development Service of Korea (HRD Korea)
- Delivery of the deck house resident area for a fruit juice carrier to Hyundai Mipo Dockyard (HMD)
- Sep. 2013Attended the naming ceremony at the Hyundai-Vinashin Shipyard (HVS)
- Jul. 2013Awarded the Export Success Story Special Prize by the Korea International Trade Association (KITA)
- Jun. 2013Delivery of the deck house resident area for a PSV special carrier for HMD
- May. 2013Delivery of the PSV special carrier ring block for HMD
- Mar. 2013Delivery of deck house resident area for the PSV and AHTS special carriers at the shipyard in Bharati, India
- Sejin Vietnam made the first delivery of a deck house
- Feb. 2013Order received for the Flare Tower (NORSOK Standard) for HHI’s ENI Goliat FPSO project
- Order received for HHI’s Clair Ridge Acc P/F & pipe rack
- Foundation ceremony held for Sejin Vietnam

Completion of the new pier at Wonsan (Jul. 2008)
- 2006 ~ 2012
- Business Expansion
- Dec. 2012Awarded the USD 200 Million Export Tower on Korea’s 49th Trade Day
- Nov. 2012Establishment of Sejin Vietnam
- Selected as an Excellent Partner for Mutual Growth Program by HMD
- Aug. 2012Delivery of the deck house resident area for the PIPAVAV shipyard in India
- Sejin Hope Volunteer Corps launched
- Jun. 2012Acquired shares in DMC, a ship crane operator
- Apr. 2012Order received from HHI for Dockwise Gorgon project
- Nov. 2011Order received for a deck house for PIPAVAV Shipyard and first delivery made
- Selected as a Global Star Enterprise by Korea Development Bank
- Oct. 2011Chairman Yoon Jong-kook awarded the Grand Prize in the Industry/Economy category at the Ulsan Citizens’ Awards
- Sep. 2010Certified as the best HRD performer by the KHRDS
- Jun. 2010Acquired a manufacturing license for special high pressure gas equipment
- Business ethics commitment proclaimed
- Apr. 2010AJQS certificate acquired
- Jan. 2010OHSAS 18001 certificate acquired

Completion of the 450-ton goliath crane (Jul. 2009)
- Sep. 2009First delivery of the engine room for a 14,000-teu container carrier to DSME
- Order received and first delivery of a ring block to SLS Shipbuilding
- Jul. 2009Completion of a 450-ton goliath crane
- May 2009First delivery of a ring block petrochemical carrier and container vessel to STX
- Jan. 2009Selected as an Excellent Partner by the HHI Group
- Dec. 2008First delivery of house, engine casing, and funnel to STX
- Nov. 2008Selected as an Excellent HSE Partner by DSME
- Oct. 2008Grand Prize recipient at the Ulsan Industrial Awards
- Designated as an Excellent Green Partner by DSME
- Plant ASME certified
- Jul. 2008Completion of a new pier
- Jan. 2008First delivery of the upper deck for Aframax-class (115K) COT carrier to STX
- Dec. 2007Manufacturing initiated for a new LPG tank (bilobe type) for HMD
- Jul. 2007New orders received for deck house and upper deck unit from Sekwang Heavy Industries
- Jun. 2007First delivery of LPG tank to DSME
- Dec. 2006Relocation of headquarters after the completion of the main building and welfare center
- Nov. 2006Recipient of the USD 100 Million Export Tower and a Tin Tower Order of Industrial Service Merit at Korea’s 43rd annual Trade Day
- May 2006First delivery of an upper deck unit to STX
- Mar. 2006Groundbreaking ceremony for the Land Development Project and Berth Construction in Ulsan

First delivery of deck house (Apr. 2014)
- 1999 ~ 2005
- Corporate Foundation
- Nov. 2005Received the USD 50 Million Export Tower Prize at Korea’s 42nd Trade Day celebration ceremony
- Oct. 2005Established the Wonsan factory (the current head office) on a 590,000㎡ site
- First delivery of LPG cargo tank to Hyundai Heavy Industries
- Jun. 2005Selected as an Excellent Supplier by HMD
- Apr. 2004Delivery of deck house, engine and funnel to HMD
- Dec. 2000Acquired ASME (U, S, U2, PP) certifications
- Dec. 2003Selected as a prospective SME by the Korea Credit Guarantee Fund (KODIT)
- Nov. 2002Received the USD 20 Million Export Tower Prize and Silver Order of Industrial Service Merit Award
- Aug. 2002Established the Sanam factory on a 66,000㎡ site
- Dec. 2000Acquired ISO 9001 certification
- Aug. 2000Established the Haknam factory on a 22,000㎡ site
- Sep. 1999Established Sejin Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.
- Present
- 2011
- 2009
- 2008
- 2006
- 2002
- 2000
Wonsan factory
Wonsan factory

Land development project for the Wonsan factory and completion of the 450-ton-capacity goliath crane

Land development project for the Wonsan factory

Land development project for the Wonsan factory

Construction of the Sanam factory

Construction of the Haknam factory