
Business Areas

Deck House

We command unparalleled leadership in deck house manufacturing.

Deck houses are an important component of a ship, as they provide the resident area for the crew as well as navigation and communications facilities.

A deck house has between four and nine floors depending on the size of the ship. The top floor usually contains the main control room, while the other floors accommodate the captain’s cabin, the chief engineer’s cabin, officer rooms, and the crew’s quarters. They also include facilities such as a cafeteria, lounge, and gym, as well as the machine room and warehouse. Today, Sejin Heavy Industries is proud to have the world’s largest annual production capacity of deck houses, something that requires the highest level of specialty building and design techniques, not to mention a massive yard in which to construct it.

We are the sole supplier of deck houses to Hyundai Heavy Industries and Hyundai Mipo Dockyard, and command an unrivaled market position in the industry.
Our service scope ranges from the integrated manufacturing process and turnkey-based supply system to impeccable installation and test drive procedures.


제품카다로그 담당자 안내

Business Highlights

First Product DeliveryProduct CapabilitySupply Track RecordDomestic Market Share
200455,873 ton (130 units/year)1,059,826 ton (1,472 units)26.8% (88units)

Note) Market share was calculated based on the number of units built by ship type (2014 shipbuilding Yearbook, Korea Offshore & Shipbuilding Association)

Production Performance

53 units77 units101 units98 units107 units88 units

Business Contacts이미지

Department Position Name Tel e-mail
shipbuilding Business Part - - +82 52 231 8454 sejinsales@sejinheavy.com
Overseas Business Part - - +82 2 551 8412 adminopb@sejinheavy.com
Wind Business Part - - +82 2 551 8412 wp@sejinheavy.com
IR Part - - +82 2 551 8412 IR@sejinheavy.com



구분 직함 이름 전화번호 이메일
선실생산부 생산팀 이태민 010-3774-5482 wehs@sejinheavy.com
선실생산부 생산팀 이태민 010-3774-5482 wehs@sejinheavy.com
